Created by Andrés Rossi, the series presents in a fun and non-condescending way the adventures of Ele, a curious and determined girl with Down syndrome, growing up outside the norm. With a powerful imagination, Ele uses her creativity to navigate everyday situations. She is joined by her father, friends, and her loyal dog, whom she occasionally allows into her world, transforming everything around them.
“Ele” is currently in the stage of development. It is inspired by the director real-life experience raising his daughter with down syndrome. The project has undergone over two years of research on the subject, with support from social work and mental health professionals and institutions specializing in Down syndrome, disabilities, and children’s rights.
Work will continue on the writing and visual development, as well as applying to Markets and Financing Funds, while initiating conversations with producers with the goal of mapping out a co-production strategy and defining possible exhibition windows.
We invite you to join us in this adventure!